Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wednesday Day 17

Okay so completely apologize but I can't remember where I wrote down what I ate on Tuesday.  I have been eating very cleanly this week.  Let me just tell you that is extremely difficult during that one week of the month.  Sorry to all the males that read this blog but seriously.  I have to say that while being on this challenge "my week" has not been as bad with cravings or moodiness.  I usually feel like I gain about three pounds in just my stomach, which did not happen this month.  I have however been starving all week.  I can't quite figure it out since I block everything to the T.  Yes I am a little "OCD", cant believe that I am admitting this but you will find sheets of paper and post its with numbers on them all in my purse and in my car etc.  Yes it would be my  zone block count.  I will just go ahead and make fun of myself, but Like I said I feel really good a majority of the time so that is reason enough for me.  I also have noticed changes in my physique.   I put on a pair of lulu lemon tiny running shorts that were a little tight before and now are baggy in legs and in waist.  I am sure there is a way that I could go even cleaner and go for dramatic changes but I still like to have fun and have a life.  It is important to enjoy or treat yourself once in a while.  I have noticed that at least when I cheat that it spikes my metabolism a little bit.  My body doesn't really know what to do with it.  On this challenge I really have only cheated in a very small dose.  I have been trying to post small little recipes or paleo recipes that make it seem like you are eating clean comfort food, to help people get through the sweet and carb cravings.  Might I add that if you are still getting bad cravings you are probably not eating enough protein or fat. 

Here's my day:

Meal 1
2 tomato basil chicken sausage
1 Banana with tbs almond buttter
3 protein, 3 carbs, 6 fat

Meal 2
Paleo Sloppy Joe with Spinach Bread
Two Clemintines
4 Protein, 3 carbs, 5 Fat

WOD: 21-18-15-12 Deadlifts, 400M Run (felt really good, did 50 secs slower than main site Heather Bergeron, she is kinda a big deal.)

Snack Post WOD: Progenex shake
3 Protein

Meal 3
4 oz chicken, 1 cherry pie larabar
4 protein, 3 carbs, 8 fat

Meal 4

Beef Chili with 1/2 avocado, handful of dried plums
5 protein, 5 carbs, 3 Fat

Snack: Craving something sweet or thought I was so had dried plums and almond butter.  Pretty amazing if I do say so.  I have an almond butter problem, I know!!!!
3 Carbs, 5 Fat


  1. Testing...did you fix your comments section yet???

  2. Yay, you fixed it!! Can I just say for all us ladies out there, we know EXACTLY what you're talking about, haha!!
