Sunday, February 13, 2011

My total demise!!!

So I apologize for the lack of posting fr the last 4 days.  I have pretty much been curled in a small ball on my couch for the last few days not moving really at all.  I was hit hard with the flu on Tuesday night.  If you saw me on Wednesday a.m. I am so sorry because that was not a pretty site to see at all.  I was an absolute delirious crying mess.  I spent the entire afternoon on Wednesday in urgent care with a temp of 103, and the throbbing headache that has still yet to go away completely.  I have never been so miserable in my entire life.  So I really have nothing to report as far as eating goes.  The first two days I could not keep or shove anything down.  NOT happening!  In fact if it weren't for a few really awesome people, there is no way that I would have made myself eat anything. A huge thanks goes out to Jocelyne for being my savior and Jenna for helping keep my sanity. And when I did finally start eating it was not paleo sorry.  It was whatever they could get in me.  Gatorade, PB and J sandwich, rice cakes, peanut M&M's .  It was in very small amounts but still.  I think yesterday I told my friend that the only thing that remotely sounded good was peanut M&M's.  Sure enough they magically appeared on my doorstep.  For all of the nice texts and offers to help me when seriously I thought I was dying THANK YOU!  very much appreciated!

I have to say though my stomach has been extremely flat, definitely can see abs.  Probably not the best way to lose weight.  I knew I was one flu away from my ideal weight.  hahaha soooo just kidding that was my sick attempt at humor!!  :)  By the way being sick is the worst thing that can happen to me.  I cant not be moving or not able to work out for this long.  It sucks and I am going out of my mind!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    I'm so sorry that you have been so sick but it gives me one small bit of relief! I, too, have been sick since nearly the same day as you. It started in the middle of my session on Wed. I got sick as a dog and I never get sick from exercise! I tried to gut it out (sorry for the poor pun) but I was wiped out. I did the Thursday night class and kinda wandered thru it but couldn't make it to Friday. I've laid around most of the w/e. Stomach has been better but I am just now getting over the headaches. I hope that not many others got it. I NEVER get sick, so this really thru me!
