Having that craving for pasta. Well here is the paleo option. I can assure you that their is a paleo replacement option for all of your favorite non paleo dishes. You just have to be creative. I found this recipe and thought I would share. I found on
Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

Well cavekids, Punxsatawney Phil and the Groundhog's Club
Inner Circle have declared that an early Spring is in store. Until then, I am going to take advantage of all the remaining winter squash. They taste great and store very well for extended periods of time.
Spaghetti squash is a great substitute for pasta. As the name suggests, once cooked, this squash falls into strands or ribbons, just like spaghetti. Usually I just whip up a quick spaghetti sauce to top my squash but tonight, I decided to experiment with paleo lasagna. In my opinion, lasagna isn't lasagna without the cheese to hold it together, but I had to give it a shot and I have to say I am pleased with the result!
I just threw this together so feel free to mess around with amounts and add different spices or veggies!
Spaghetti Squash Lasagna
1 Spaghetti Squash
1 Egg
1 Zucchini
4 Cloves of garlic
1 Green hot pepper
Minced onion
Chicken Breast (ground or diced)
Italian sausage
Cayenne pepper
Tomato Sauce/Paste

To prepare your spaghetti squash, cut in half, de-seed and bake in the oven in a dish filled with about 1" of water until tender, or nuke in the microwave for about 8-10 minutes. Take a fork and pull away at the flesh and the little ribbons will effortlessly come out. Throw your squash strands into a large bowl and mix with 1 whisked egg. (I used egg in an attempt to provide a setting agent for the squash)
While the squash is cooking, mince your garlic and hot pepper and saute in a pan over medium-high heat with olive oil. Add the chicken and sausage, minced onion, and spices, and cook until the meat begins to brown.
In a pyrex dish, begin layering your ingredients. My layers went as follows: squash, meat mixture, tomato sauce, sliced zucchini, meat, sauce, squash. Bake in the oven at 350F for 30-45 minutes.
I recommend using tomato paste or a thicker tomato puree. The

tomato sauce I used created an excess of liquid that slowed the baking and setting process. Also, try laying out your spaghetti squash in strands rather than random clumps like I did and it will make it a lot prettier and easier to cut. I cut my zucchini into circular slices, but using a mandolin and cutting lengthwise will create more structured layers as well. It may not be pretty, but it was pretty delicious. Hope you enjoy!
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