So as you all may have known I started implementing the challenge non officially two weeks ago. I was a very clean eater before, but after reading a paleo article I decided to take the extra leap and cut out my weekly cheat meal and the small amount of heavy cream in my coffee in prep for my competition last weekend. The thought of black coffee made me want to gag so I tried no caffeine for 2 weeks. It is amazing how the little things that you put into your body matter. So now here we are day two of the Official paleo challenge. I decided I am a level 3 Paleo/Zone, which means no dairy, no gluten,soy, grains, and sugar done to zone blocks. I have been easing myself into this so my body feels great on the inside. As far as cravings the main thing I have noticed is that the sugar cravings have shifted to fat cravings since the first week. I am very particular about Zoning. Here is an example of my Day 1 food Log 16 Block Day with slightly higher Fat
"Banana Goodness"
1 banana mashed up mixed with 3 whole eggs, with a small addition of pumpkin pie spice. After cooking together in a frying pan put a heaping tblspoon of almond butter on side.
Zone Blocks 3blocks protein, 3 Blocks carbs, 6 blocks Fat
3 oz chicken with paleo pesto
1 apple
Zone Blocks 3 blocks protein, 2 blocks carbs, 2 blocks fat
Meal 3
5oz chicken
8 inch sweet potato
2 cups of broccoli
cooked in coconut oil
Zone Blocks 5 blocks protein, 3 blocks carbs, 2 blocks fat
Meal 4
chicken and veggie leftovers from earlier
Zone Blocks 3 blocks protein, 2 block carbs, 1 block fat
Meal 5
1 egg , 2 egg whites
1 Cup mixed berries
1 tbs almond butter
Zone blocks 2 blocks protein, 2 blocks carbs, 6 blocks fat
Day before Paleo Challenge started a few weeks ago |
lookin' good :-)